On the Rebbe’s last rosh Hashanah in uman, his grandson yisrael, son of r’ Yitzchak Isaac of kremenchug, was with him. The boy was quite young,
Only about three or four years old, and the rebbe was already very ill with his tuberculosis, since this was shortly before his death. He said to his grandson, “pray to god on my behalf that I return to my health”. The boy answered, “Give me your watch and I will pray for you.”
“You see!” said the Rebbe. “He is already a rebbe, for he is telling me to give him something so that he shoud pray for me!” The Rebbe gave him his watch, the boy took it, walked away and said, “God ! God! Allow my grandfather to be well!” Everyone began to laugh, but the REbbe said, “That’s how one should ask of God!” How else can one ask of God?” He meant to say that the essence of prayer is to speak to God with complete innocence, like a child speaks to his father, like one would speak to a close friend.
The Life of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (chayee Moharan)
Published by Keren Rabbi Israel Dov Odesser
May his merit protect us
Na Nach
En el ultimo rosh hashana de rabeinu en uman, su nieto, Israel, hijo de rab itzhak de dremenchug estaba con el.
El ninio muy joven, alrededor de 3, 4 anios, y el rebe muy enfermo con su enfermedad tuberculosis, antes de su muerte. Le dijo
El rebe a su nieto, “por favor reza a Dios, para que me de salud” y el nino contesto: “ dame tu reloj y voy a rezar por vos”
“ustedes ven” dijo el rebe, el es ya un rebbe, porque esta pidiendo algo para rezar por mi”, el rebbe le dio su reloj y el ninio camino
y dijo” Dios, Dios , permite a mi abuelo que este bien”, todos empezaron a reir pero el rebe dijo” asi es como uno debe rezar a Dios,
que mas uno puede pedirle a Dios? El rebe quiso decir que lo esencial en el rezo es hablar con Dios con completa inocencia, como un
hijo habla con su padre, o con su amigo”.
La vida de Rabi Najman de Breslov
Publicado por el keren rabi Israel dov odesser
Que su merito nos protega
Humilde traduccion de uzinanaj para nanach.net
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